Here we are to present and review probably one of the best
death black metal albums ever forged in Scandinavian lands, this masterpiece of the
Swedish hellions Diabolical goes by the title of "Neogenesis",
this conceptual album is an outstanding combo of Epic extreme metal music and
literature. This album has all elements to please even the most demanding
Metalheads! Without a doubt this is an apocalyptic blackened death metal
Masterpiece, so addicting that you can't stop listening to it.
"Neogenesis" sure puts Diabolical on top of what is being done in
the field, the skills and tightness of their musicians, the demanding, daring and dynamic
musical structures... well it's quite hard to find an album with all this elite top quality sound on
these metal days, an album made to triumph in any titanic metal battle! An
absolute must for fans of
Behemoth, Hate, Watain, Dark Funeral, Marduk, Vader,
Rotting Christ and so on!
Raised in a world of chaos and DEATHsruction inhale the winds of hope in a
timeless, epic journey through life reborn from ashes!
NeKronos Promotion HELL

Neogenesis - 2013 - Vici
Solum Productions
Blackened Death Metal
A new sun in the sky
Transforming existence
Time to conquer
Or face the downfall(...)" DIABOLICAL - "Metamorphosis"
The band:
Diabolical, for those yet unfamiliar with the band, are a Swedish blackened
death metal band with 17 years of existence already, born in Stockholm's darkest
pits, they never stopped improving and renewing their expressive and furious
metal art, all this has given them loads of great reviews as well as a greatly
appreciated live performances in and outside Swedish soils. With
the release of "Neogenesis" the band has proved to be one of the best
bands in the genre. This demanding conceptual album is without a doubt a top
quality blackened death metal work of art, easily
becoming one of the best epic extreme metal pieces in metal history!
The new album musicaly:
The sixth album "Neogenesis" is a huge strep forwards on Diabolical's
long career, I can only describe it as an
Apocalyptic death black metal masterpiece! The morbidly dark atmosphere, the daring dynamic musical structures are for
sure a
product of pure musical geniality, bringing this band to death black metal elite and consequently on
top of what has been done in this extreme metal camp.
Once you think of these musical genre you probably shall fit the band easily into Polish
soils... well this time, we have some of the best pieces of the genre yes, but with a
very own
Scandinavian darkened soul inside!
The album is filled with heretic and brutal metal discharges combined in
perfection with slower but yet spine-chilling melodies and grooves that will probably haunt
your ears for a long, long time.
"Neogenegis" is an absolutely obligatory album for fans of Behemoth, Hate, Watain, Dark Funeral, Marduk, Vader,
Rotting Christ. You would probably get some vague remembrances of Morbid Angel
colossal extremity and Dimmu Borgir/Behemoth brutal but yet Epic
extreme metal aura, all of this but with a very own Diabolical morbidly dark
raised atmosphere
and sound!
The lyrics and concept of the album:
Without a doubt we can't only judge "Neogenesis" as a musical album but as a
conceptual piece of art where literature combines with extreme metal music in
perfection. Under the surface of such brilliant devastating brutal music we have
a not lesser interesting tale to be told across the 104 pages of this media-book
(bundled together with the audio CD). Here each song of the album is represented
by a chapter on this post-apocalyptical novel. The history tells us of Neos character reborn into this new wicked world,
a world
risen from the ashes of a apocalyptic downfall. On this journey Neos will find
loads of curious characters, friends of foes? Who knows? More I won't tell, so
that you won't lose any interest to read this inspired novel developed by the
genius mind of Carl Stjärnlov (guitars and vocals) who is also responsible for all rich lyrical work
on this album, without a doubt a perfect addition to this smashing work, a
"cherry on top of the cake" as some may say. Carl is also responsible for some of
the outstanding artwork that enriches the new album into perfection, indeed a brilliant mind in the Scandinavian metal
scene, a great musician, writer and designer in fact!
The band members and album production:
"Neogenesis" reveals Diabolical at their absolute best. The demanding skills and tightness of their musicians, the
dynamism of the demolishing discharges of DeATHsruction in contrast with the
decadent slower deviant melodies...
oh well, it's hard to find an album so complete in every aspect and with all
these top quality sound on this metal days, an album made to triumph in any
titanic metal battle!
The guitar work by
Sverker, Carl and Tobias
is huge, an absolute highlight across all this album colossal
structure. The
outstanding vocal work by
Sverker, Carl and Dan
is no other but brilliant to say the least, variations from strong demolishing classical death metal into
the most rotten n' ugly black metal ones, still with the add of some perfect
fitting clean vocals and choirs here and there! The elite skilled dynamic drums by
Pär Johansson and the pounding bass work by
Dan Darforth sure elevates Diabolical's sound into the highest
introduction of outstanding Epic orchestral arrangements into this album are a perfect fit to
the music, becoming part of the music and not the music itself as it happens
with some symphonic extreme metal bands.
The meticulous album recordings that took over a year and the album production by
Sverker Widgren (main vocals and guitars) at Necromorbus Studio, Stockholm ( Watain, Demonical,
Destroyer 666, Setherial) are another of the highest points on
this album, creating a perfect matching darkly enthroned clean sound, that in
all ways
delivers a crown to the band's majestic extreme music!
The album tracks:
In such a brutal quality release like this one it's always hard, if not
impossible to find a lesser good
track, think that the all concept and execution of the album is about perfect!
Devastating fast tracks like "Into Oblivion", "Metamorphosis", "World in
Silence" and "Wolves’ Choir"
contrast with the slower epic deviances like the tracks "Oracle", "Reincarnation of the
Damned", "Fields of Nihil", "Dialogue with the Dead"
and "The Age to Come", all of this gives the album an
impressive dynamism. Should also comment about some instrumental tracks like "Ex"
with such an ear catching decayed piano melody and "Humanitas"
a choir enriched track that finishes out the album. All this packed together,
shall give
you the feeling that you need to press play and listen to the entire album again
and again!
The Epilog:
In all "Neogenesis" is a masterpiece where Metal Art meets literature in such
Apocalyptic Epic proportions, with all this the band has built the world's first
literary concept album. A diamond on any extreme metal addict collection!
An addicting album that hardly should disappoint anyone with a extreme metal
taste and not only, it sure has all needed attributes to triumph on such demanding elite
metal scene, I dare to say that with "Neogenesis" Diabolical have been crowned as Kings, the
Kings of Scandinavian
blackened death metal! One of the best albums of extreme metal of the last years
and a perfect "music meets literature" combo!
With the creation of the colossal piece "Neogenesis" Diabolical sound has
no boundaries, they have set a new mark in extreme metal and shall conquer
In a new World raised from the grey ashes of apocalypse and destruction you need
to conquer before you become a slave. Make your stand and step out of your own
hell, make your own path and lead your life into a new beginning, a new genesis
of Mankind, reborn by its own hand!!!
RüPä - NeKronos Promotion HELL

Here is the Tracklist for the album:
DIABOLICAL - "Neogenesis" - CD 2013
01 - Into Oblivion
02 -
03 - Oracle
04 - Ex
05 - World in Silence
06 - Reincarnation of the Damned
07 - Fields of Nihil
08 - Dialogue with the Dead
09 - Wolves’ Choir
10 - The Age to Come
11 - Humanitas
Total playing time = 55m
Recording Line-up:
Sverker Widgren - Guitars - Vocals
Carl Stjärnlöv - Guitars - Vocals
Tobias Jansson - Lead Guitars
Dan Darforth - Bass, Vocals
Pär Johansson - Drums
Check out the lyric video "Into Oblivion" @
Check out the pre-production teaser for "Neogenesis" @
For further Information check: