Here we are to present and review the 8th album of Belgian death metallers In-Quest, the album goes by the suggestive title of "Chapter IIX : The Odyssey of Eternity". This is another smashing work from one of the best Belgian death metal bands of today's days, exploring deeper and sounding more complex than ever before. Their technical death metal musical combines perfectly with the hypnotic melodies that remain constant on the bands own sound since long years now!
Warning, this album shall haunt your ears with such delightful epic but still brutal sound for quite long time! Probably the most exact and precise album the band has ever made, tight as hell, you need to go on listening to it, on and on... so easily addicting and obligating you always to search for more and more details as you become more familiar to this piece of musical art!
Be sure to put your hands into this In-Quest album if you are found of technical metal sound in the vein of Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, Cynic, Textures, Fear Factory, Death and so on... put your headphones and embark yourself on this "Odyssey of Eternity"!
NeKronos Promotion HELL

Chapter IIX : The Odyssey of Eternity - 2013 - [
Self-Released ]
Technical Death Metal
"(...)A circular nullibist in denial, that the soul exists
elapsed for infinity, an endless quest those in disbelief, this is the "Odyssey
of Eternity"" Enter Eternity Of Lethargy - "Chapter IIX :
The Odyssey of Eternity"
For those unfamiliar with In-Quest, I can only let you know that they
are probably some of the most hard to categorize, challenging musicians you may
have heard in quite some time. A band that was born in Antwerp (Belgium) back in 1994,
ever since, they've proved to be one of the best and most challenging and
respected Belgian bands. They play an enlightened death metal full of
outstanding technical details with the add of delightful hypnotic melodies, yet
never losing the sound brutality, all this powered up by the smashing vocals of their Swedish singer
MiQe Löfberg!
In-Quest are also a damn underrated band that has already played in
several great tours, like the ones with Nile, Fear Factory, etc. they also played on tons of great shows
in and outside Belgium like the one on the main stage of Belgium famous Graspop Metal Meeting Festival!
The new and 8th work "Chapter IIX :The Odyssey of Eternity" is another
step forwards in the bands ascent, probably the most exact and precise release
of the bands career, combining dynamic and skilled technical death
metal sound with their own usual melodic elements that shall catch your
attention! In fact it's a sound that refuses to
accept standard categorization, better to be listened with full attention so you
can catch all the hidden details into this modern, melodic, energetic, intense
and technical creativity, something hard to find elsewhere this days! The album
features 8 songs played on 8 string spanning on a curious exact 44:44 minutes
length! This all, in the most epic and complex material built to the date by the
“The Odyssey of Eternity” takes you into a journey across a world
drenched in chaos and disorder, times where mankind values are lost! The
band sound explores all that to the limits, here chaos rules on such avant-garde
progressive / technical sound, proving that this band masters these complex death
metal morphosis! This art requires the best out from the musicians themselves. Grab
your headphones and listen to such delightful and virtuous melodic solos
from Douglas, the raged vocal variations of MiQe, the killer
dynamic and skilled drums by Gert together with the pounding bass from
Frederick with the add of wickedly chaotic rhythms by
All this
material combined sure
creates an artistically chaotic, yet technical and tight piece of art for adepts!
The lyrics mostly written by the MiQe’s creative mind follow the
traditional In-Quest themes of human condition and consequent decay of
values and the downfall humanity itself, the darkened future dominated by
technology and a vitiated society. Yet on this release the infinity/eternity of
cosmos, time itself as well as the social position of Man on this immense universe
takes the main importance lyrically!
The engineering, mix and mastering done by Jochem Jacobs (Textures) and
recordings at Splitsecondsound and Dougtape couldn't go better. On such
a demanding and complex album, the production needs to be an
absolute highlight so that you can hear in detail all the instruments. What can
I say... they sure reached a perfect ending result on this camp!
On this album the band created an uniform quality release where the tracks
connect to each other in perfection creating an idea of an never-ending hypnotic album, an
album that goes on and on, as some use to say "... into eternity and beyond"!
Each time you listen to it with full attention you will notice more an more
illuminated details, in this way it’s surely hard to capture highlights on
this album, simply because of all the uniform complexity of the album
conception! Still tracks like "Neo-Pseudo Existence", "The Algorhythmic
Alignments" and "Yearn To Return [Liquidation Fails]" may be closer to
In-Quest traditional sound, those are the ones who capture my ears attention the most!
“Chapter IIX: The Odyssey of Eternity” is a technical death metal
discharge, an obligatory album for all adepts of a skilful technical and
progressive death metal. An absolute must if you are into bands like
Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, Cynic, Fear Factory, Textures, Death and
several other quality bands in this vein!
Epic, abstract, methodical and precise the
8th album of the Belgian In-Quest has all to capture demanding technical
death metallers attention.
This creative eloquent piece of art is a true Odyssey
that shall echo on your ears for all Eternity!
RüPä - NeKronos Promotion HELL
IN-QUEST - "Chapter IIX : The Odyssey of Eternity" - CD 2013
1 - Enter Eternity Of Lethargy
2 - Taedium Vitae
3 - Elliptical Orbits In Disbelief
4 - Reiterated Cycles Of Celestial Spheres
5 - Neo-Pseudo Existence
6 - Infinite Sleep For The Hollow
7 - The Algorhythmic Alignments
8 - Yearn To Return [Liquidation Fails]
Total playing time = 44m44s
Recording Line-up:
MiQe Löfberg - Vocals
Douglas Verhoeven - Leads
Gert Monden - Drums
Korre Lauwereins - Rhythms
Frederick Peeters - Bass
Check out the teaser video for "Chapter IIX : The Odyssey of Eternity" @
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