DATA : 4 DE NOVEMBRO 2023 (Sábado)
Realiza-se no próximo dia 4 de
Novembro 2023, no Pavilhão Multiusos da Malveira (concelho de Mafra,
distrito de Lisboa), a sexta edição do festival de Metal e Hardcore
Underground Fest.
De cariz solidário, dado que visa auxiliar os bombeiros locais, o evento será
constituído por nada menos do que 7 bandas portuguesas, 1 turca e 1 de malta, praticantes da melhor
música pesada que atualmente se faz na Europa.
O alinhamento já se encontra fechado, tendo como cabeças-de-cartaz os espanhois The Ancient Arrival, Angelcrypt de Malta, ainda, tocam os Revolution
Within , Hochiminh, Morbid Death, Bleeding Display,
The Chapter, Horús e Malade, num pacote de luxo que, sem
dúvida, irá satisfazer os fãs de Metal e Hardcore.
"É com muito orgulho que mostramos o artwork para a 6ª edição do Oeste
Underground Fest, mais uma vez um excelente trabalho do
Pedro Sena - Lordigan. Este cartaz retrata um mito da Malveira, onde se
falava que para além da magia negra que se fazia aqui, também se dizia que
existia um lobisomem, porque durante a noite apareciam animais esventrados, e
claro com o convento de Mafra e com 6 bombeiros, cada um representando cada
edição." A Organização
LOCAL: Pavilhão Multiusos da Malveira -
Malveira - Portugal
COORDENADAS GPS: 38.936564,-9.260772 | 38°56'11.6"N 9°15'38.8"W
Evento de beneficência para os Bombeiros Voluntários da Malveira
ANGELCRYPT |MALTA| (Melodic Death Metal):
MORBID DEATH |PORTUGAL| (Melodic Death Metal):
M.O.R.G. |PORTUGAL| (Thrash Metal):
HOCHIMINH |PORTUGAL| (Industria/Metalcore/Grove Metal):
THE CHAPTER |PORTUGAL| (Doom/Death/Gothic Metal):
HORUS |PORTUGAL| (Groove Metal):
MALADE |PORTUGAL| (Post Death Metal):
Já podes encomendar a t-shirt do festival e o
bilhete, ou então em pack.
Encomenda através de;
ou pedro.oeste.under.fest@gmail.com
THE ANCIENT ARRIVAL (ESPANHA): Veil of Deception: Videoclip
ANGELCRYPT (MALTA): Forever Hero : Videoclip
MORBID DEATH: The Perfect Lie: Videoclip
Tuesday, 27 June 2023
2023.11.04 - OESTE UNDERGROUND FEST VI - 2023 - MALVEIRA - Portugal
Monday, 26 June 2023
Band of the NeKroWEEK - HATE - Poland - Death Black Metal
NeKronos Promotion is Proud to present the band of the NeKroWeek, they are HATE (Death
Black Metal),
without a doubt one of the best expressions within their musical genre!
This band had a tremendous
influence over forming Polish metal scene in the nineties!
Show your support and share this info to all your metal brotherhood if you like what you have heard!
Check the latest videoclip "Exiles of Pantheon" from the album "Rugia" out now via
Metal Blade Records:
artwork by: Daniel Rusilowicz]
Rugia track-listing
1. Rugia
2. The Wolf Queen
3. Exiles of Pantheon
4. Saturnus
5. Awakening the Gods Within
6. Resurgence
7. Velesian Guard
8. Sun of Extinction
9. Sacred Dnieper
No one combines death and black metal quite like Poland’s
With unflinching viciousness and a sense of atmosphere unique to the band, on
Rugia, their twelfth full-length, they push the boundaries of their craft
even further. “It was clear to me that it should build upon and evolve from
our previous record, ‘Auric Gates Of Veles’ (2019), both musically and
lyrically. However, every Hate record stands as a separate journey, and never
twice to the same place. You never know exactly where it will lead you,”
states vocalist/guitarist ATF Sinner, who has led the band since 1991.
Fresh blood in the band’s line-up also helped contribute to Rugia‘s
unique sound. Pavulon (drums), who had played with the band since 2014,
was forced to step down from the band due to serious health issues. The band
tapped Nar-Sil (Neolith, Virgin Snatch, Embrional) to take his place.
“Working with a new drummer this time around was a fascinating experience for
me. Nar-Sil’s technique and presence are quite different from Pavulon’s,
and that definitely comes across. I believe we managed to construct a refreshing
new chapter to our discography, composing nine truly sinister onslaughts of pure
The band elected to once again track the album in the Hertz Recording Studio
in Poland, and it was recorded, mixed and mastered by the Wiesłaski Brothers
(Behemoth, Decapitated). Everything was laid down over about two to three
weeks, with longtime collaborator Michał Staczkun providing the ambient
elements of the band’s sound. The only struggle came about at the mixing stage,
where the final character of the record emerges. “Here we encountered many
problems, contradictory visions too. The producers had their own idea for the
overall sound, which differed from what I had in mind, so we were trying to find
a good compromise and it took us a few months.” Given how strongly the
personality of the record shines through, it is safe to say that the compromise
reached was definitely in its best interest, standing as perhaps the best
sounding record in the band’s long career. Hate is also celebrating thirty years
of activity with Rugia, Sinner affirming he is as driven as ever.
“Well, the fire is still burning! I’m proud that I have built a band with such
strong energy, that’s lasted for a long time in spite of numerous line-up
changes and obstacles in our way. We are still here and we create with ever
growing consciousness and dedication. The energy speaks through us. Honestly, I
think of the band as something much bigger and more profound than the individual
people involved in it over any given period of time. I believe we create a
channel for energies that surpass us.”
No one combines death and black metal quite like Poland's Hate. With
unflinching viciousness and a sense of atmosphere unique to the band, on
Rugia, their twelfth full-length, they push the boundaries of their craft
even further. "It was clear to me that it should build upon and evolve from
our previous record 'Auric Gates Of Veles' (2019) both musically and
lyrically. However, every Hate record stands as a separate journey, and never
twice to the same place. You never know exactly where it will lead you"
states vocalist/guitarist ATF Sinner, who has led the band since 1991.
Fresh blood in the band's lineup also helped contribute to Rugia's unique
sound. Pavulon (drums), who had played with the band since 2014, was
forced to step down from the band due to serious health issues. The band tapped
Nar-Sil (Neolith, Virgin Snatch, Embrional) to take his place.
"Working with a new drummer this time around was a fascinating experience for
me. Nar-Sil's technique and presence are quite different from Pavulon's
and that definitely comes across. I believe we managed to construct a refreshing
new chapter to our discography, composing nine truly sinister onslaughts of pure
Writing for Rugia commenced shortly after Auric Gates of Veles was
released. However, Hate soon began to tour extensively in support of their then
new opus, and the production of new music was put on the back burner. But come
2020 and the COVID pandemic, the band's touring plans with Belphegor and
Suffocation were abruptly cut short. With this unexpected infusion of free
time, the band decided to buckle down and finish writing the material they were
working on.
Sinner and Nar-Sil were joined by Domin on lead guitar and
Tiermes on bass, who played with the band live since 2018, to complete
the lineup. "Although I wrote the riffs, main arrangements and lyrics, we all
worked on what you hear on Rugia. We put the pieces together and
re-arranged fragments as a team. Our albums are always a collective effort and
Rugia was no different," asserts Sinner. Sound-wise, they were
mainly inspired by nineties extreme metal, both black and death, and they wanted
to keep their sound as organic as possible. Warts and all. "It sounds quite
harsh, very dynamic and unrestrained. It also has a strong ambient element to it
that emphasizes the material's tone and dark atmosphere. The rhythm section is
more death metal influenced this time around, which harkens back to our roots.
You could say that most of the songs on this album are 'pagan death metal' - a
combination of epic riffs and ferocious blasting rhythms." One thing that
might come as a surprise to fans is the manner in which Sinner uses his
voice, which is a lot more sophisticated than on previous records. "I tried
to make my voice sound at three different timbres, or even different people
behind the microphone. Sometimes the voices are combined together, sometimes
they are more like separate vocal lines. I wanted to build this enriched
narrative, and at our shows, I think Tiermes will help me with some of
the vocal lines to bring that effect to a live surrounding."
Lyrically, the album sees the band continue to delve into the depths of Slavonic
mysticism. "Generally, all the songs on the album are dedicated to the
ancient Slavic world - great migrations, wars, battles, and the struggle for
survival. But there is also a philosophical level to it, which is very
important. Slavic mythology is a collection of universal stories touching upon
fundamental issues that we all encounter in our lives. Therefore it is a frame
that allows me to write about contemporary problems that I encounter myself from
a different perspective. Along the way, I discovered my pagan soul and I
encourage people to do the same. I think everybody has this deeper, more
profound identity based on understanding our unity with nature, something that
goes beyond all the civilizations we have built." The album title is taken
from the archaic name of a German island on the Baltic Sea now called Rügen. In
ancient times, Rügen or Rugia, was a site of holy pilgrimage to the pagan
Slavic people. It was the very heart of the western Slavic faith, housing the
fabled stronghold of Arkona. The album is at its core a tribute to Rugia and its
tribes and the culture they created.
The band elected to once again track the album in the Hertz Recording Studio
in Poland, and it was recorded, mixed and mastered by the Wiesłaski Brothers
(Behemoth, Decapitated). Everything was laid down over about two to three
weeks, with longtime collaborator Michał Staczkun providing the ambient
elements of the band's sound. The only struggle came about at the mixing stage,
where the final character of the record emerges. "Here we encountered many
problems, contradictory visions too. The producers had their own idea for the
overall sound, which differed from what I had in mind, so we were trying to find
a good compromise and it took us a few months." Given how strongly the
personality of the record shines through it is safe to say that the compromise
reached was definitely in its best interest, standing as perhaps the best
sounding record in the band's long career. Hate is also celebrating
thirty years of activity with Rugia, Sinner affirming he is as driven as
ever. "Well, the fire is still burning! I'm proud that I have built a band
with such strong energy, that's lasted for a long time in spite of numerous
lineup changes and obstacles in our way. We are still here and we create with
ever growing consciousness and dedication. The energy speaks through us.
Honestly, I think of the band as something much bigger and more profound than
the individual people involved in it over any given period of time. I believe we
create a channel for energies that surpass us."
Photo credit: Daniel Rusilowicz
Hate line-up:
ATF Sinner – vocals, guitars
Domin – guitars
Nar-Sil – drums
Tiermes – bass
Deamon Qui Fecit Terram, 1996
Lord is Avenger, 1998
Cain's Way, 2001
Awakening of the Liar, 2003
Anaclasis – A Haunting Gospel of Malice & Hatred, 2005
Morphosis, 2008
Erebos, 2010
Solarflesh – A Gospel of Radiant Divinity, 2013
Crusade:Zero, 2015
Tremendum, 2017
Auric Gates of Veles, 2019
Rugia, 2021
the Litanies of Satan, 2004
Evil Decade of Hate, 2000
Gateways To Hell: Tribute To Slayer, 2000
Holy Dead Trinity, 2001
Abhorrence, 1992
Evil Art, 1994
The Unwritten Law, 1995
Victims, 1999
Monday, 19 June 2023
Band of the NeKroWEEK - DIABOLICAL - Sweden - Death Black Metal

NeKronos Promotion is Proud to present the band of the NeKroWeek, they are DIABOLICAL (Swedish Death Black Metal), one of the best bands in their genre, this with such outstanding quality. DIABOLICAL are constantly progressing, refusing to do the expected!
Show your support and share this info to all your metal brotherhood if you like what you have heard!
Check out the videoclip for "Betrayal" from the latest album "Eclipse"
[ Out via Indie Recordings]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmUYtfKXQNk
1. We
Are Diabolical
3. Black Sun
4. Failure
5. Inception
6. Hunter
7. Tyranni
8. The Fire Within
9. Requiem
More than twenty years after their formation in
northern Sweden, innovative blackened death metallers DIABOLICAL proves
to be more vital than ever and puts forth “Eclipse”, a concept album
reflecting on the dark side of humanity that forces the listener to explore his
own diabolical side. The album is a tour de force with spitting musical and
aesthetic complexity swirling around a dense soundscape of excellently distilled
and refined ideas, altogether forming a rare display of musical craftsmanship
equaled by very few contemporary metal bands.
DIABOLICAL was founded in Sundsvall, Sweden back in 1996, and has since
released 5 full-length albums, in addition to two EP’s. Ever since then they
have followed no one, and no one has followed them. Already with their early
efforts “Deserts of Desolation” (mini album, 2000) and “Synergy”
(2001), DIABOLICAL stood out as something different from the death metal
bands coming up at the time, representing something unwilling to be categorized
easily. Quickly following the release of their second full length, they toured
throughout Europe several times during 2002-2003 presenting their repertoire.
Returning in 2008 with full force they delivered a milestone in their
discography. Taking their innovative death metal a huge step further, they flung
the listener into the darkest corners of the human mind, bringing to life
restrained aggression and hunger for vengeance in “The Gallery of Bleeding
Art”. The album received brilliant reviews and was followed by headline
tours throughout Europe.
In January 2011 “Ars Vitae” was released, containing 17 tracks from
different parts of the band’s career.
2013 saw the release of the band’s most ambitious album thus far.
“Neogenesis” stood out as something truly unique. The album raised the bar
for concept albums as it in addition to being a music album, it was also a
novel. Binding every song with a chapter of the book, the music, lyrics,
storytelling and philosophy of “Neogenesis” blends together to create a
profound experience that left a deep impression on fans and press. Reviews were
raving and the following European headline tours were hugely successful. The
band appeared at many festivals, toured the UK and toured Europe again
supporting Borknagar in 2016.
On their previous release, the “Umbra” EP (2016), DIABOLICAL
continued to craft inventive music, moving seamlessly between crushingly heavy
and dark to delicate and ethereal. But “Umbra” was a mere foreshadowing
of what was to come. Produced again by vocalist/guitarist Sverker Widgren
at Wing Studios in Stockholm, the new and 6th album “Eclipse”
picks up where “Umbra” left off and once again DIABOLICAL manages
to top their previous efforts.
With nine gracefully raging songs, “Eclipse” presents DIABOLICAL
as a mature and sophisticated band ascending to new heights.
Sverker Widgren - Guitars - Main Vocals
Carl Stjärnlöv -
Guitars - Vocals
Dan Darforth - Bass, Vocals
Jonathan Persson -
Eclipse (2019)
Umbra (2016) [EP]
Neogenesis (2013)
Ars Vitae (2011)
The Gallery Of Bleeding Art (2008)
A Thousand Deaths (2002)
Synergy (2001)
Deserts Of Desolation (2000)
Monday, 12 June 2023
Band of the NeKroWEEK - DEVILISH IMPRESSIONS - Poland - Black Death Metal
NeKronos Promotion is Proud to present the band of the NeKroWeek band
DEVILISH IMPRESSIONS (Poland) some of the
most innovative modern black /
death metal acts, a band of extreme metal excellence!
Show your support and share this info to all your metal brotherhood if you like what you have heard!
The lyric video for "Interregnvm" from the latest EP "Postmortem
Whispering Crows":
Polish melodic black / death metal mavericks
IMPRESSIONS recently announced the signing with
Non Serviam
"Postmortem Whispering Crows"
has been released on September 13th 2019.
Music wise "Postmortem Whispering Crows" simply continues where “The
I” left off. Having introduced some rock-like solos on the latest
full-length these unreleased tracks seem to be characterized by even more open
approach to the genre. "Postmortem Whispering Crows" is an epic journey
across black death metal with the band's own, unique flare to it.
Quazarre (vocals / guitars) comments:
“One of my all-time greatest inspirations has always been literature of The
Young Poland (a modernist period in Polish literature, covering roughly the
years between 1890 and 1918). The movement promoted trends of decadence,
neo-romanticism, symbolism, catastrophism and impressionism. Having quoted
‘Dzieci Szatana’ (Satans Kinder) by one of the period’s visionary Stanisław
Przybyszewski within the lyrics of our “Adventvs” EP, it’s been a logical
way for me to immerse both ‘The I’ and ‘Postmortem Whispering Crows’
EP even deeper into the decadent world of other haunted figures associated
with the philosophy of their leader. The quoted authors following the period’s
concept believed in decadence, an end of all culture, the conflict between
humans and their civilization, and the concept of art as the highest value.”
"Postmortem Whispering Crows" track listing:
1. Dvma
2. Cingvlvm Diaboli
Produced, mixed and mastered at
Impressive-Art Studio
Artwork, design and layout by
Infected Minds
Band photo by
Formed in the year 2000, initially as a studio project and transformed into a
live act in 2006, Devilish Impressions is a dominant four-piece Epic
Black Death metal band that’s quickly pummeling through the genre and making
their way to fans and media around the globe.
Since the horde’s first day, the notion of freedom of choice and will has been a
highly prevalent belief and theme amongst the band’s music, imagery and overall
message. Devilish Impressions united and began the process of shaping up
their spirit and self-consciousness making their initial presence with their
debut demo “Eritis sicut Deus; Verbum Diaboli Manet in Aeternum; Vox
Vespertilio Act I – Moon Var Dies Irae” which received great attention from
fans after the band self-released it in 2002.
Once Devilish Impressions made their introduction to the metal community,
they followed up their debut release with their first full-length titled
“Plurima Mortis Imago” released in 2006 via Conquer Records. The
sophomore release proved to push the band onward as they joined forces with
Aeternus for the European “Ageless Void Tour 2006”. A lot of great
exposure landed Devilish Impressions a spot as direct support for
Marduk on the “Swords in The East” Eastern European run in 2007.
After solid touring opportunities and album promotion, Devilish Impressions
returned to the studio in May of 2007 to record their forthcoming album
titled “Diabolicanos – Act III: Armageddon” which was mastered by Andy
Classen at Stage One Studio (Belphegor, Krisiun, Dew Scented).
Before release of their full-length sophomore album, Devilish Impressions
appeared at the Red Alert Festival supporting bands like Deicide,
Suffocation, Benediction and Immolation. The band followed up by ending 2007
with a headliner run across Eastern Europe on the “Verbum Diaboli Tour 2007”.
Once “Diabolicanos – Act III: Armageddon” was released in 2008 via
Conquer Records, international praise was given by fans and press to the
band for the record, and allowed Devilish Impressions to reach new
heights in their career. The band followed up with the great success of the
album by landing a support slot on “The Apostasy European Tour” with
Behemoth and Suicide Silence as well as embarking on a tour with
Dismember in the UK and Ireland.
In 2008, Devilish Impressions was invited to partake on select shows of
“Wacken Road Show 2008” with Overkill, Tristania, Samael and Enslaved.
This opened up a solid platform for the band to release “Diabolicanos – Act
III: Armageddon” via Empire Records and greatly expand the reach of
the band’s music. The band followed up this release with a joint home country
tour called “Rebel Angels Tour Vol. 3” with Hate. The rest of 2008
proved to be extremely proactive for the band as they supported Satyricon,
were offered a co-headliner slot with Rage at Pro Rock Festival
and also appeared at Metal Heads Mission Festival with Moonspell,
Gorgoroth and Samael.
Once the band had reached this level in their career, they took time to get back
into the studio to work on their third full-length album. A lot of time and
energy was put into the new album, and “Simulacra” was released in 2012
via Lifeforce Records (EU/North America), Icaros Records (Poland),
MSR Productions (Russia, CIS) and Mort Productions (China). The
album was voted one of the best melodic black metal/metalgaze album at the 2012
Metal Storm Awards, and of course coupled with ample press and fan feedback from
around the globe. This also got the attention of The Flaming Arts Agency
that allowed the band to explore many new opportunities.
Devilish Impressions took to the road heavily in support of
“Simulacra” and appeared at notable festivals and predominant tour listed
· Hard Rock Laager (w/ Samael, Melechesh)
· Carpathian Alliance (co-headliner w/ Dark Funeral, Carpathian Forest)
· Castle Party
· Brutal East
· “Fear No Gods of The East Tour 2013”
· Wave Gotik Treffen (w/ Paradise Lost, Lacrimosa)
· Metal Fest Open Air (w/ Helloween, Accept, Sodom, Down, Satyricon, Destruction)
In the summer of 2013, Devilish Impressions ramped up for their next
studio session and made plans to re-enter Hertz Studio for their
forthcoming “Adventvs” EP. The new material was mixed and mastered by
Arkadiusz Malczewski at Sound Division Studio (Behemoth, Decapitated).
To round off a grandioso release, Devilish Impressions had their 2002
demo “Eritis Sicvt Devs” re-mastered and paired with “Adventvs”.
The combined album released in 2014 features over an hour of brand new and never
before heard material showcasing experimental black metal at its finest. Soon
after Devilish Impressions went on the road in support of “Adventvs”,
they got the attention from Hammerheart Records that released
“Adventvs” as 12” MLP in February 2015.
The emissaries of the devil took the surge of action with the album and hit the
road once again, spreading their message across the motherland as part of the
tour with Christ Agony and Beheaded. Shortly after, the band appeared at
NCM Festival Vol. 4 (co-headliner w/ Vader) and Dark Fest II (w/ Vader,
Decapitated, Hate and more). This left the passion raging on all levels and
gave Devilish Impressions an easy return to the studio in May 2015 to
commence the recording sessions for “The I” – the band’s fourth
full-length album which is said to be their darkest, heaviest and most
intriguing offering to date. The record features special guest appearances by
Mike Wead (Mercyful Fate, King Diamond) and Ares (Aeternus, ex-Gorgoroth,
The title chosen, “The I”, for the record is not only a phonetic acronym
of the band’s name, but above all it reflects the manifesto they stand for since
the Horde’s inception in the year 2000 – the notion of freedom of choice and
will. A supremacy of an individual over any external factors being imposed on us
by others, with special emphasis on religion and its convictions, dogmas and
paradigms. “The I” is a rebellious manifesto targeted against all those
who stand opposed to anything that drives us towards individual perfection.
Ahead of the album’s release Devilish Impressions announced a long
awaited tour for their legion of fans in China and Taiwan supporting the
“Simulacra” record, released in China through Mort Productions in
September 2016. The trek lasted for nearly a month and is believed to be the
most extensive tour any foreign metal band had ever played there.
In the meantime, Devilish Impressions joins the roster of New York based
Extreme Management Group alongside notable bands such as Suffocation, Cattle
Decapitation, Origin, Cryptopsy, Atheist, Rings Of Saturn, King Parrot, Internal
Bleeding and many more. With the newfound partnership, both sides worked
together in making the band’s future endeavors the most prominent and impactful
with their fans respectively and the rest of the metal genre.
“The I” album hits the stores on September 22nd 2017, again via
Lifeforce Records. Released to a rave reviews worldwide it enables
Devilish Impressions to hit the road with Norway’s Endezzma for a row
of gigs across their motherland. This was followed by the group’s headlining
appearance at Metal Head’s Mission / Black Sea Storm Festival 2018.
In January 2019 Devilish Impressions headlined Dark Winter Meeting
Festival in Malta. June saw them touring South Asia, this time around
reaching out to fans in Indonesia (The Karnival Festival, co-headliner
with Pestilence), Hong Kong and Singapore.
Upon their return from Asia Devilish Impressions announced signing with
Non Serviam Records for the release of “Postmortem Whispering Crows”
EP – a follow up to their critically acclaimed 4th studio record “The I”.
Music wise “Postmortem Whispering Crows” simply continues where “The
I” left off. Having introduced some rock-like solos on the latest
full-length these unreleased tracks seem to be characterized by even more open
approach to the genre. “Postmortem Whispering Crows” set to be out in
September 13th 2019 is an epic journey across Black Death Metal with the band’s
own, unique flare to it.
The band has recently confirmed its appearance at Metal Mine Festival in
August (w/ Asphyx, Harakiri For The Sky) with European tour in the making.
Quazarre: vocals / guitars
Isemal: guitars
Avernatvs: drums
Tzar: bass
Monday, 5 June 2023
Band of the NeKroWEEK - DEMONICAL - Sweden - Death Metal
NeKronos Promotion is Proud to present the band of the NeKroWeek, they are
DEMONICAL. Without a doubt one of the best Swedish death metal bands of
these days founded by former Centinex members. A band that will surely
please fans of old school death metal.
Show your support and share this info to all your metal brotherhood if you like what you have heard!
Check ou the lyric video for "Into Victory" from the band latest
EP with the same tile
out via Agonia Records:
Sweden's prolific death metallers
released their new album entitled "Mass Destroyer"!
Agonia Records
have released May 6th, 2022 the seventh full-length album from
"Mass Destroyer" Tracklisting:
We Conquer the Throne
02. Sun Blackened
Fallen Mountain
05. Dodsmarsch
06. Lifeslave
07. Cemented in Ire
08. By Hatred Bound
Recorded at Glashuset and Sellnoise Studios by Johan Hjelm
and Jonas Arnberg
Mixed and mastered at Tri-Lamb Studios by Karl Daniel Liden
Album art by Mark Riddick
Photos by Jens Ryden
"Into Victory" Tracklisting:
1. Into
2. Somebody Put Something In My Drink (Ramones cover)
- CD
- Digital
Produced by
DEMONICAL, Johan Hjelm
and Jonas Arnberg
Recorded at Studio Glashuset and Sellnoise Studios
Mixed and mastered by Ronnie Bjornstrom at BLP Studios
Full Stream:
Stream and Download:
[ Photo by Jens Ryden ]
Charlie Fryksell - Vocals
Martin Schulman - Bass
Johan Haglund - Guitars
Eki Kumpulainen - Guitars
Ronnie Bergerstal - Drums
Demonical was
spawned in March 2006 by former Centinex members Johan Jansson (guitars
& vocals), Martin Schulman (bass) and Ronnie Bergerstål (drums)
with a mission to return to the roots of death metal and deliver a sheer dose of
darkness and brutality.
The first audio assault, a four-track promo attack entitled “Bloodspell
Divine”, was recorded at Necromorbus Studios during July the same
year. In November 2006, Demonical added vocalist Ludvig Engellau
to the line-up (because Johan wanted to fully concentrate on the six-string axe)
and signed a worldwide multi-album deal with the German label Cyclone Empire.
The band’s first full-length album, “Servants of The Unlight”, was
recorded at both Black Lounge and Necromorbus Studios during
January and February 2007 and released in April the same year.
In November 2007, Temple of Darkness released a limited Demonical/Absu
7″ EP featuring one track from the “Bloodspell Divine” promo. In December
2007, the band parted ways with vocalist Ludvig Engellau due to musical
and personal reasons.
Demonical continued for a few months with various session vocalists until
late March 2008, when Sverker “Widda” Widgren came on board as the new
fulltime frontman.
The band's second full-length album, “Hellsworn”, was recorded at
Necromorbus Studios between December 2008 and February 2009 and released by
Cyclone Empire in May 2009.
A split 7″ EP called “Imperial Anthems Vol.1” with Paganizer was
released by Cyclone Empire in early 2010. This limited vinyl featured an
exclusive Demonical track recorded at the “Hellsworn” session.
In September 2010, Demonical once again entered Necromorbus Studios
in order to record “Death Infernal”, their anticipated third full-length
album. The album was recorded throughout the fall and released in Europe by
Cyclone Empire (April 2011) and in North America by Metal Blade (July
During the fall of 2011, drummer Ronnie Bergerstål decided to leave the
band due to scheduling conflicts and he was replaced by Fredrik Widigs.
After “Death Infernal” was released the band decided to add a second
guitarist for live situations. A few session members were used at several tours
until Daniel Gustavsson joined as a full-time member during the summer
The first half of 2013 was spent at both Necromorbus and Wing Studios
in Stockholm with the recordings of the bands fourth album, “Darkness Unbound”.
After the recording a line-up change took place with Johan Haglund
replacing Johan Jansson and Ämir Batar replacing Fredrik Widigs.
“Darkness Unbound” was released worldwide in November 2013. A limited
split 7”EP with Nunslaughter, entitled “European Deathcharge”, was
released in July 2014 in support of both bands joint co-headlining tour.
In December 2014, Demonical both parted ways with drummer Ämir Batar and
guitarist Daniel Gustavsson as well as inked a new worldwide deal with
Agonia Records. The first release for their new label-home, a four track MCD
entitled “Black Flesh Redemption”, was recorded at Wing Studios in
early 2015 and released in April. The recording featured session members Eki
Kumpulainen on guitar and Kennet Englund on drums.
In early 2017, the band parted with long time vocalist Sverker Widgren,
due to time- and priority related matters, and replaced him with Alexander
Högbom. At the same time guitarist Eki Kumpulainen and drummer Kennet
Englund became permanent members of Demonical making the band a solid
and stable unity ready for the things to come. During the fall of 2017,
Demonical recorded their fifth full-length album entitled “Chaos
Manifesto” - together with the award-winning Swedish producer Karl Daniel
Lidén - for a March 2018 release through Agonia Records.
In the summer of 2019, both vocalist Alexander Högbom and drummer
Kennet Englund decided to leave the band due to time- and motivation related
issues once the touring cycle was finished. Demonical recorded their
sixth album, “World Domination”, during the summer 2020. The album was
released in October 2020, and it marked the return of original drummer Ronnie
Bergerstål and debut for new vocalist Christofer Säterdal.
As the worldwide pandemic was raging across the globe during 2020 and 2021, all
planned shows and tours were cancelled. Instead of just sitting and waiting for
better times, the band focused on writing new material and the result became
“Mass Destroyer”, the seventh full-length. “Mass Destroyer” was
recorded during the summer of 2021 with the same production team as last time,
resulting in a fresh and dynamic disc packed with Stockholm style death metal.
The album came out in May 2022 and was supported by tours and several festival
In October 2022, Agonia Records released “In League with Death”, a
five track EP featuring rare and unreleased material.
In early 2023, vocalist Christofer Säterdal left the band due to family
related matters and was replaced by Charlie Fryksell. A new two track EP,
“Into Victory”, was released in March 2023 presenting the new line-up and
showcasing the bands path forward.
/ Last updated: March 2023