[2019.07.26] The Swedish melodic black metal force of nature WORMWOOD
have released today the new videoclip for "Av Lie och Börda" from their new album entitled
"Nattarvet",out today via Swedish label Black
Video: Svartna
More about : Av Lie och Börda - of Schyte and Burden -
Something that seems to have been forgotten here in Sweden is our sorrowful
history of the crop failure during the 19th century. For several years in the
19th century, Sweden was hit by different crop failures and famines. WORMWOOD's
stories focus specifically on 1867-1869. Although it is generally known that
famine hit Sweden, it is not so many who know the fate of people and how they
lived their lives.
The fate and journey of the ordinary Swede is what WORMWOOD
has focused on. What happened when the grain was unusable because of the
extremely hot and dry summer? What sacrifices were made when the last cattle had
died? How did the Church aid people who asked for help during the endless winter
of 1867? How did the most isolated villages get help when everything around them
was covered with meters of snow? WORMWOOD
does not answer everything, but their poetic perspective gives us a hint of what
Of Scythe and Burden is not about a specific family, it is an
amalgamation of the fate of several families. We follow annameless family in the
summer of 1869 in the suites of two disastrous previous years. The father of the
family has begun to show early symptoms of a life threatening disease after
years of tough living. He sees that the only way to save the family is to sell
what little they have left and let his wife and child travel to America while he
stays with his farm. Too proud to leave his country, he stays until the only way
out is to take his own life, with the help of arsenic, just as many others have
done before. In feverish dreams, misery and a melancholic hope that his wife and
child can survive the long journey, he thinks about life, death and what comes
The video is mostly recorded locally in Roslagen, in authentic environments,
with mountainscapes from Jämtland among other things. The music has several
different passages that symbolize the different feelings this man felt during
these difficult years. Everything from calm and melancholic melodies to raw and
fast parts, which convey different kinds of moods. WORMWOOD
wants the lyrics and the music to hold your hand on this journey while also
making you think and reflect. Do not see this as a page in a history book; see
it as a tribute and transportation to a place in Sweden where the people
struggled for survival and those who will eventually be forgotten.
[2019.07.26] The Swedish melodic black metal force of nature WORMWOOD
have released today their new album entitled
"Nattarvet",out via Swedish label Black
Compared to 'Ghostlands', our upcoming album
"Nattarvet" will be
darker. There will be stories about famine and how it ravished the Swedish
landscapes in the late 1800-hundreds. Some families fled to new more fertile
grounds, others were not so lucky. They had to bury their family members, eat
crumbles and watch how their childhood home wither and fade away into obscurity.
again as we embark on a journey together.
RECORDING LINEUP: Nine - Vocals T. Rydsheim - Guitar/Bass/Keys D. Johansson - Drums J. Engström - Guitar
--- Guest musicians Erik Gravsjö (MÅNEGARM) - Vocals Martin Björklund - Violin Mika Kivi (PAARA) - Vocals Moa Sjölander - Vocals
THE NORTH TOUR 2019! [2019.07.25]
The legendary Polish blackened death gods
HATE will be touring Baltica, Scandinavia, Germany with VADER,
and others in September.
This September Extreme metal crusaders
HATE, well known for their venomous mixture of black and death metal
style and active since 1990 will break through Baltic Countries,Scandinavia,
Germany accompanied by their fellow countrymen the classic death
metallers VADERandTHY DISEASE!
HATEwill be presenting their new opus entitled 'Auric Gates of Veles'
which came out on 14th June this year through Metal Blade Records!
The shows will take place in Lithuana, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway,
Denmark and Germany. The tour will kick off on 5th September, right after
festival season.
A jornada de Gwydion começou em 1995, um projeto fundado por um grupo de
amigos que compartilhavam a mesma paixão por metal e interesse pela cultura
celta. Em 2007 gravaram o seu primeiro full lenght, "Ynys Mön"e assinaram
com a editora alemã TROLLZORN, que ofereceu um contrato para lançar o
álbum. Com Ynys Mön, Gwydion começaram a captar alguma atenção do público
tendo feito uma uma tour europeia.
Os álbuns seguintes, 'Horn Triskelion' em 2010, 'Veteran' em 2013,
mostram a banda a deambular entre o metal e o folk e em 2018, após um hiato da
banda, os Gwydion voltaram com uma nova formação e ansiosos para
reconquistar seu lugar no mundo do Epic Folk Metal.
O mais recente trabalho 'Thirteen', lançado em julho de 2018, é o álbum
mais épico, dramático, popular e forte da banda até à data !
Esperamos assim desta banda uma festa cheia de animação e gritos nórdicos a
acompanhar a música vindos do público do Back to Skull 2019!
Os Attick Demons formaram-se em Janeiro de 1996, em Lisboa.
Tocam Heavy Metal Clássico com influências da New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (Iron
Maiden, Saxon, Judas Priest) e de bandas como Scorpions, AC/DC e Manowar.
Entre 1996 e os dias de hoje foram vários os lançamentos de álbuns e EPs da
banda incluíndo nalguns trabalhos convidados especiais tais como o Paul Di
Anno (Ex-Iron Maiden) e Ross The Boss (Ex-Manowar) em 2011 no
'Atlantis' e o Chris Caffery (Savatage, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) no
'Let’s Raise Hell' também pela mão da editora alemã Pure Steel Records
no final de 2016.
Foi de facto um passo enorme na carreira dos Attick Demons, levando-os a
conquistar os mercados brasileiro, espanhol e japonês.
Aguardamos a vinda desta banda já com novidades ao Back to Skull pois
está previsto novo lançamento ainda este ano.
Formados em Junho de 2010, os STONERUST contam já com 3 EP’s editados:
"Stonerust" (2012), “Higher Hope Gone” (2013) e “Nothing Left
Inside” (2015), estando neste momento a finalizar o processo de gravação do
primeiro long play, intitulado DROP THE MASK.
Com este trabalho os STONERUST pretendem evidenciar a nova estrutura
musical da banda, assegurando o dogma que é e continuará a ser o estilo
praticado: muitos dizem ser thrash/metal/stoner, outros nem tanto, chegando
mesmo a identificar os novos sons como fora do habitual, tendo em conta os
trabalhos anteriores da banda.
Também em breve será gravada uma curta metragem que engloba no seu storyboard os
3 primeiros temas do disco “AWAKE”, “THE DOUBT” e “REASON”, que esperamos
também em primeira mão no BACK TO SKULL 2019.
Da fusão alquímica entre o som "Metal" e a estética de "Steampunk", nasce uma
síntese improvável, dando origem a "Dallian".
Nascidos em 2017 em Leiria, os Dallian têm raízes num sólido fundo de
Death Metal moderno, com virtuosismo adicional de elementos sinfónicos, todos
organizados em dinâmica progressiva.
É exatamente essa a representação que encontramos pintada na tela do álbum de
estreia do grupo "Automata", um épico álbum de uma hora, lançado em 2018
pela Nox Liberatio e que colocou em movimento a tour inaugural da banda
'a todo o vapor', tendo inclusivamente ganho o concurso de bandas Vagos Metal
Fest 2019, onde actuarão no dia 8 de Agosto.
Será certamente garantia de um grande início de noite no Back To Skull 2019!
NeKronos Promotion is Proud to present the band of the NeKroWeek, they are
DIABOLICAL (Swedish Death Black Metal), one of the best bands in their
genre, this with such outstanding quality. DIABOLICAL are
constantly progressing, refusing to do the expected!
Show your support and share this info to all your metal brotherhood if you like what you have heard!
Tracklist: 1. We
Are Diabolical 2.Betrayal 3. Black Sun 4. Failure 5. Inception 6. Hunter 7. Tyranni 8. The Fire Within 9. Requiem
More than twenty years after their formation in
northern Sweden, innovative blackened death metallers DIABOLICAL proves
to be more vital than ever and puts forth “Eclipse”, a concept album
reflecting on the dark side of humanity that forces the listener to explore his
own diabolical side. The album is a tour de force with spitting musical and
aesthetic complexity swirling around a dense soundscape of excellently distilled
and refined ideas, altogether forming a rare display of musical craftsmanship
equaled by very few contemporary metal bands.
DIABOLICAL was founded in Sundsvall, Sweden back in 1996, and has since
released 5 full-length albums, in addition to two EP’s. Ever since then they
have followed no one, and no one has followed them. Already with their early
efforts “Deserts of Desolation” (mini album, 2000) and “Synergy”
(2001), DIABOLICAL stood out as something different from the death metal
bands coming up at the time, representing something unwilling to be categorized
easily. Quickly following the release of their second full length, they toured
throughout Europe several times during 2002-2003 presenting their repertoire.
Returning in 2008 with full force they delivered a milestone in their
discography. Taking their innovative death metal a huge step further, they flung
the listener into the darkest corners of the human mind, bringing to life
restrained aggression and hunger for vengeance in “The Gallery of Bleeding
Art”. The album received brilliant reviews and was followed by headline
tours throughout Europe.
In January 2011 “Ars Vitae” was released, containing 17 tracks from
different parts of the band’s career.
2013 saw the release of the band’s most ambitious album thus far.
“Neogenesis” stood out as something truly unique. The album raised the bar
for concept albums as it in addition to being a music album, it was also a
novel. Binding every song with a chapter of the book, the music, lyrics,
storytelling and philosophy of “Neogenesis” blends together to create a
profound experience that left a deep impression on fans and press. Reviews were
raving and the following European headline tours were hugely successful. The
band appeared at many festivals, toured the UK and toured Europe again
supporting Borknagar in 2016.
On their previous release, the “Umbra” EP (2016), DIABOLICAL
continued to craft inventive music, moving seamlessly between crushingly heavy
and dark to delicate and ethereal. But “Umbra” was a mere foreshadowing
of what was to come. Produced again by vocalist/guitarist Sverker Widgren
at Wing Studios in Stockholm, the new and 6th album “Eclipse”
picks up where “Umbra” left off and once again DIABOLICAL manages
to top their previous efforts.
With nine gracefully raging songs, “Eclipse” presents DIABOLICAL
as a mature and sophisticated band ascending to new heights.
Sverker Widgren - Guitars - Main Vocals
Carl Stjärnlöv -
Guitars - Vocals
Dan Darforth - Bass, Vocals
Jonathan Persson -
Eclipse (2019)
Umbra (2016) [EP]
Neogenesis (2013)
Ars Vitae (2011)
The Gallery Of Bleeding Art (2008)
A Thousand Deaths (2002)
Synergy (2001)
Deserts Of Desolation (2000)
[PT]: É com um grande prazer que divulgamos as primeiras
bandas que vão fazer parte da sétima edição do Under
the Doom.
O Festival irá realizar-se nos dias 6,7 e 8 de Dezembro em Lisboa, RCA CLUB
e LAV - Lisboa ao Vivo respectivamente.
Em breve serão anunciadas mais bandas entre elas um cabeça de cartaz.
[ENG]: It
is with big pleasure that we announce the first bands that will be part of the
seventh edition of Under
the Doom.
The Festival will take place in the days 6th, 7th and 8th of December in Lisbon, RCA CLUB
and LAV - Lisboa ao Vivo.
Soon there it will be announced more bands and among them one headliner. DATAS // DATES:
Dia 6 e 7 de Setembro 2019 (Sexta-Feira e Sábado) // 6th and 7th of December (Friday and Saturday) LOCAL // VENUE:RCA CLUB / Lisboa
Morada: Rua João Saraiva, nº 18
Bairro De Alvalade, 1700-250
Lisboa, Portugal
8 Dezembro (Domingo) // 8th of December (Sunday) LOCAL // VENUE:
LAV - Lisboa Ao Vivo Avenida Infante D. Henrique, Armazém 3
Lisboa - Portugal
Os Passes gerais para 3 dias estão já
disponíveis com uma oferta limitada a 100 unidades e um valor "low cost" de
Após os 100 passes esgotados o valor passará a 60€ por unidade e será iniciada a
venda dos bilhetes diários.
[ENG]: The general Passes for the 3 days are available in a limited offer of 100
units and the "low cost" is of (50€)
After the first 100 passes are sold-out the price will rise to 60€ per unit and
the daily tickets will be sold as well.
Os passes "low cost" já estão disponíveis nos seguintes locais: // The
"low cost" passes are available already in the following places:
Também em formato físico nos seguintes locais: // Also on the physical formar
at this places: Carbono Amadora (a partir de dia // from the day 20.07 ) Glam-o-Rama Lisboa (a partir de dia // from the day 20.07)
Today the band unveils the first single taken from their upcoming release, "Postmortem
Whispering Crows" EP, a follow up to their critically acclaimed 4th studio
record “The I”.
Music wise "Postmortem Whispering Crows" simply continues where “The
I” left off. Having introduced some rock-like solos on the latest
full-length these unreleased tracks seem to be characterized by even more open
approach to the genre. "Postmortem Whispering Crows" is an epic journey
across black death metal with the band's own, unique flare to it.
Quazarre (vocals / guitars) comments: “One of my all-time greatest inspirations has always been literature of The
Young Poland (a modernist period in Polish literature, covering roughly the
years between 1890 and 1918). The movement promoted trends of decadence,
neo-romanticism, symbolism, catastrophism and impressionism. Having quoted
‘Dzieci Szatana’ (Satans Kinder) by one of the period’s visionary Stanisław
Przybyszewski within the lyrics of our “Adventvs” EP, it’s been a logical
way for me to immerse both ‘The I’ and ‘Postmortem Whispering Crows’
EP even deeper into the decadent world of other haunted figures associated
with the philosophy of their leader. The quoted authors following the period’s
concept believed in decadence, an end of all culture, the conflict between
humans and their civilization, and the concept of art as the highest value.”
The blackened death metallers
DIABOLICAL will continue the touring of their new album "Eclipse"
this fall, teaming up with Danish thrash/death metallers HateSphere
for a co-headline tour.
Expect dark and crushing shows and a lot of material from "Eclipse"!
- EUROPEAN TOUR 2019 04.10. (DK) COPENHAGEN - Loppen 05.10. (NL) ZEIST – De Peppel 06.10. (BE) NAMUR - Belvédère 07.10. (DE) DRESDEN - Chemiefabrik 08.10. (DE) COLOGNE - MTC 09.10. (FR) STRASBOURG - La Maison Bleue 10.10. (CH) SION - Le Port Franc 11.10. (CH) LENZBURG - Met-Bar 12.10. (IT) RETORBIDO - Dagda Club
Em Cooperação com a Chaosphere Recordings
a Notredame productions apresenta o "Chaosphere Fest" que este ano
celebra também os 20 anos da editora.
O evento realiza-se já no dia 07 de Setembro, sábado, no RCA Club em
O cartaz é de luxo, e conta com algumas das principais bandas do Underground
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium entidade de grande culto que conta já quase
três décadas de carreira, lançaram o seu mais recente e brilhante “Hostia”
no ano anterior.
Decayed, eles que são também uma das entidades pioneiras no metal
underground Português, a poucos meses de completar três décadas de actividade
sempre pela força e persistência de J.A, guitarrista fundador dos
Theriomorphic, outra grande e importante banda no panorama nacional,
liderada pelo carismático JÓ, fundada em 1997 e tocam death metal!
O seu mais recente trabalho de estúdio chama-se “Of fire and Light” e
conta também com o selo da Chaosphere Recordings.
ScumLiquor, uma banda mais recente mas não é por aí que se ficam atrás
das três anteriores, a prova disso está nos concertos ao vivo em que a palavra
Caos caracteriza cada minuto que é debitado de cima do palco.
A banca da Chaosphere Recordings estará presente no evento com uma grande
variedade de edições e artigos.
Contamos com a vossa presença!
Dia 7 de Setembro 2019
CLUB / Lisboa Morada: Rua João Saraiva, nº 18
Bairro De Alvalade, 1700-250
Lisboa, Portugal
21h00 | INICIO:
BILHETES/TICKETS: Os bilhetes para este concerto vão estar
à venda na loja Glam-O-Rama Rock Shop em Lisboa, Carbono Amadora e
no Side B Rocks, ao valor de 10€.
GLASYA Concerto Apresentação de "Heaven's
Os GLASYA lançam o seu disco de estreia
“Heaven’s Demise” já no dia 12 de Julho pela editora Alemã Pride & Joy
A festa de lançamento e apresentação realiza-se em Lisboa no RCA Club dia
20 de Setembro.
A abrir as hostes vão estar os DOGMA como convidados especiais, banda
nacional de sonoridade Dark, Doom com mais de vinte anos de carreira, promovem o
seu mais recente trabalho “Reditum” editado em 2017.
E os The Chapter, banda de Lisboa também de sonoridade Dark, Gothic Doom,
promovem o seu mais recente trabalho "Agels & Demons" que pode ser ouvido
Dia 20 de Setembro 2019
CLUB / Lisboa Morada: Rua João Saraiva, nº 18
Bairro De Alvalade, 1700-250
Lisboa, Portugal
21h00 | INICIO:
BILHETES/TICKETS: Os bilhetes vão estar à venda apenas
no próprio dia e na entrada ao valor de 8€ (bilhete individual), ou ainda a
opção de Pack Bilhete + CD ou t-shirt:
NeKronos Promotion is Proud to present the band of the NeKroWeek band
leading and most innovative modern black /
death metal acts, a band of extreme metal excelence!
Show your support and share this info to all your metal brotherhood if you like what you have heard!
Music wise "Postmortem Whispering Crows" simply continues where “The
I” left off. Having introduced some rock-like solos on the latest
full-length these unreleased tracks seem to be characterized by even more open
approach to the genre. "Postmortem Whispering Crows" is an epic journey
across black death metal with the band's own, unique flare to it.
Quazarre (vocals / guitars) comments: “One of my all-time greatest inspirations has always been literature of The
Young Poland (a modernist period in Polish literature, covering roughly the
years between 1890 and 1918). The movement promoted trends of decadence,
neo-romanticism, symbolism, catastrophism and impressionism. Having quoted
‘Dzieci Szatana’ (Satans Kinder) by one of the period’s visionary Stanisław
Przybyszewski within the lyrics of our “Adventvs” EP, it’s been a logical
way for me to immerse both ‘The I’ and ‘Postmortem Whispering Crows’
EP even deeper into the decadent world of other haunted figures associated
with the philosophy of their leader. The quoted authors following the period’s
concept believed in decadence, an end of all culture, the conflict between
humans and their civilization, and the concept of art as the highest value.”
Formed in the year 2000, initially as a studio project and transformed into a
live act in 2006, Devilish Impressions is a dominant four-piece Epic
Black Death metal band that’s quickly pummeling through the genre and making
their way to fans and media around the globe.
Since the horde’s first day, the notion of freedom of choice and will has been a
highly prevalent belief and theme amongst the band’s music, imagery and overall
message. Devilish Impressions united and began the process of shaping up
their spirit and self-consciousness making their initial presence with their
debut demo “Eritis sicut Deus; Verbum Diaboli Manet in Aeternum; Vox
Vespertilio Act I – Moon Var Dies Irae” which received great attention from
fans after the band self-released it in 2002.
Once Devilish Impressions made their introduction to the metal community,
they followed up their debut release with their first full-length titled
“Plurima Mortis Imago” released in 2006 via Conquer Records. The
sophomore release proved to push the band onward as they joined forces with
Aeternus for the European “Ageless Void Tour 2006”. A lot of great
exposure landed Devilish Impressions a spot as direct support for
Marduk on the “Swords in The East” Eastern European run in 2007.
After solid touring opportunities and album promotion, Devilish Impressions
returned to the studio in May of 2007 to record their forthcoming album
titled “Diabolicanos – Act III: Armageddon” which was mastered by Andy
Classen at Stage One Studio (Belphegor, Krisiun, Dew Scented).
Before release of their full-length sophomore album, Devilish Impressions
appeared at the Red Alert Festival supporting bands like Deicide,
Suffocation, Benediction and Immolation. The band followed up by ending 2007
with a headliner run across Eastern Europe on the “Verbum Diaboli Tour 2007”.
Once “Diabolicanos – Act III: Armageddon” was released in 2008 via
Conquer Records, international praise was given by fans and press to the
band for the record, and allowed Devilish Impressions to reach new
heights in their career. The band followed up with the great success of the
album by landing a support slot on “The Apostasy European Tour” with
Behemoth and Suicide Silence as well as embarking on a tour with
Dismember in the UK and Ireland.
In 2008, Devilish Impressions was invited to partake on select shows of
“Wacken Road Show 2008” with Overkill, Tristania, Samael and Enslaved.
This opened up a solid platform for the band to release “Diabolicanos – Act
III: Armageddon” via Empire Records and greatly expand the reach of
the band’s music. The band followed up this release with a joint home country
tour called “Rebel Angels Tour Vol. 3” with Hate. The rest of 2008
proved to be extremely proactive for the band as they supported Satyricon,
were offered a co-headliner slot with Rage at Pro Rock Festival
and also appeared at Metal Heads Mission Festival with Moonspell,
Gorgoroth and Samael.
Once the band had reached this level in their career, they took time to get back
into the studio to work on their third full-length album. A lot of time and
energy was put into the new album, and “Simulacra” was released in 2012
via Lifeforce Records (EU/North America), Icaros Records (Poland),
MSR Productions (Russia, CIS) and Mort Productions (China). The
album was voted one of the best melodic black metal/metalgaze album at the 2012
Metal Storm Awards, and of course coupled with ample press and fan feedback from
around the globe. This also got the attention of The Flaming Arts Agency
that allowed the band to explore many new opportunities.
Devilish Impressions took to the road heavily in support of
“Simulacra” and appeared at notable festivals and predominant tour listed
below: · Hard Rock Laager (w/ Samael, Melechesh)
· Carpathian Alliance (co-headliner w/ Dark Funeral, Carpathian Forest)
· Castle Party
· Brutal East
· “Fear No Gods of The East Tour 2013”
· Wave Gotik Treffen (w/ Paradise Lost, Lacrimosa)
· Metal Fest Open Air (w/ Helloween, Accept, Sodom, Down, Satyricon, Destruction)
In the summer of 2013, Devilish Impressions ramped up for their next
studio session and made plans to re-enter Hertz Studio for their
forthcoming “Adventvs” EP. The new material was mixed and mastered by
Arkadiusz Malczewski at Sound Division Studio (Behemoth, Decapitated).
To round off a grandioso release, Devilish Impressions had their 2002
demo “Eritis Sicvt Devs” re-mastered and paired with “Adventvs”.
The combined album released in 2014 features over an hour of brand new and never
before heard material showcasing experimental black metal at its finest. Soon
after Devilish Impressions went on the road in support of “Adventvs”,
they got the attention from Hammerheart Records that released
“Adventvs” as 12” MLP in February 2015.
The emissaries of the devil took the surge of action with the album and hit the
road once again, spreading their message across the motherland as part of the
tour with Christ Agony and Beheaded. Shortly after, the band appeared at
NCM Festival Vol. 4 (co-headliner w/ Vader) and Dark Fest II (w/ Vader,
Decapitated, Hate and more). This left the passion raging on all levels and
gave Devilish Impressions an easy return to the studio in May 2015 to
commence the recording sessions for “The I” – the band’s fourth
full-length album which is said to be their darkest, heaviest and most
intriguing offering to date. The record features special guest appearances by
Mike Wead (Mercyful Fate, King Diamond) and Ares (Aeternus, ex-Gorgoroth,
The title chosen, “The I”, for the record is not only a phonetic acronym
of the band’s name, but above all it reflects the manifesto they stand for since
the Horde’s inception in the year 2000 – the notion of freedom of choice and
will. A supremacy of an individual over any external factors being imposed on us
by others, with special emphasis on religion and its convictions, dogmas and
paradigms. “The I” is a rebellious manifesto targeted against all those
who stand opposed to anything that drives us towards individual perfection.
Ahead of the album’s release Devilish Impressions announced a long
awaited tour for their legion of fans in China and Taiwan supporting the
“Simulacra” record, released in China through Mort Productions in
September 2016. The trek lasted for nearly a month and is believed to be the
most extensive tour any foreign metal band had ever played there.
In the meantime, Devilish Impressions joins the roster of New York based
Extreme Management Group alongside notable bands such as Suffocation, Cattle
Decapitation, Origin, Cryptopsy, Atheist, Rings Of Saturn, King Parrot, Internal
Bleeding and many more. With the newfound partnership, both sides worked
together in making the band’s future endeavors the most prominent and impactful
with their fans respectively and the rest of the metal genre.
“The I” album hits the stores on September 22nd 2017, again via
Lifeforce Records. Released to a rave reviews worldwide it enables
Devilish Impressions to hit the road with Norway’s Endezzma for a row
of gigs across their motherland. This was followed by the group’s headlining
appearance at Metal Head’s Mission / Black Sea Storm Festival 2018.
In January 2019 Devilish Impressions headlined Dark Winter Meeting
Festival in Malta. June saw them touring South Asia, this time around
reaching out to fans in Indonesia (The Karnival Festival, co-headliner
with Pestilence), Hong Kong and Singapore.
Upon their return from Asia Devilish Impressions announced signing with
Non Serviam Records for the release of “Postmortem Whispering Crows”
EP – a follow up to their critically acclaimed 4th studio record “The I”.
Music wise “Postmortem Whispering Crows” simply continues where “The
I” left off. Having introduced some rock-like solos on the latest
full-length these unreleased tracks seem to be characterized by even more open
approach to the genre. “Postmortem Whispering Crows” set to be out in
September 13th 2019 is an epic journey across Black Death Metal with the band’s
own, unique flare to it.
The band has recently confirmed its appearance at Metal Mine Festival in
August (w/ Asphyx, Harakiri For The Sky) with European tour in the making.
Polish Death Metal Gods
HATE release today their 11th full-length "Auric Gates of Veles" via Metal Blade Records.
Since 1991,
HATE have lived up to their name, responsible for some of the angriest
and most ruthless death metal unleashed upon the world. With 2017's Tremendum,
they took a step toward a darker, more atmospheric, black metal-oriented style
and began exploring Slavonic mysticism, and new album "Auric Gates Of Veles"
boldly continues in that direction.
"We wanted to go deeper into the subject, both musically and lyrically,"
asserts vocalist/guitarist ATF Sinner. "We also wanted to record a
sharper and better defined rhythm section, a more death metal-oriented one. When
it comes to guitar sound, it was meant to be a wall of sonic destruction with
dark ambient elements in the background." To say that they achieved that
which they set out to create is an understatement, for "Auric Gates Of Veles"
is a titanic record that is both more organic and dynamic sounding, and may well
be the finest of their storied career.
"Auric Gates of Veles" track-listing 1. Seventh Manvantara 2. Triskhelion 3. The Volga's Veins 4.Sovereign
Sanctity 5. Path to Arkhen 6. Auric Gates of Veles 7. Salve Ignis
8. Generation Sulphur 9. In the Shrine of Veles (Pre-Production) *ltd. digi bonus track
10. Path to Arkhen (Pre-Production) *ltd. digi bonus track
The new album will come out in the following formats -jewelcase-CD -limited edition digipak-CD (EU exclusive - includes 2 bonus tracks) -180g black vinyl (EU exclusive) -slate blue marbled vinyl (EU exclusive - limited to 300 copies) -white / black marbled vinyl (Napalm exclusive - limited to 200 copies) -black / white splatter vinyl (EMP exclusive - limited to 100 copies) -black / white split vinyl (US exclusive - limited to 100 copies) -grey / black marbled vinyl (US exclusive - limited to 300 copies) * exclusive bundles with shirts, plus digital options are also available!
The legendary Polish blackened death gods
HATE are releasing their new work “Auric Gates of Veles” through Metal Blade Records
on June 14th and are offering the European tribes to taste the album live
already this August.
The 11th studio album of
HATE is more blackened than ever and the tunes from it will definitely
make sure the crowds are in an atmosphere as hot as hell. Among the club shows
in Germany, the Netherlands and Austria,
HATE will perform their ritual at the following festivals: Barther
Metal Open Air(GER), MOTOCULTOR FESTIVAL Open Air (FRA), Metal Madness Fest (CZE)
and Torture The Masses Fest/TTM Fest (GER).
BEHEADED - AUGUST EUROPEAN RITUALS! Thu 15.08 - Barther (GER) “Barther Open Air Fest” Fri 16.08 - Hamburg (GER) “Bambi Galore” w/ INCANTATION Sat 17.08 - Tilburg (NLD) “Little Devil” Sun 18.08 - Saint Nolff (FRA) “Motocultor Fest” Fri 23.08 - Bratislava (SVK) “Loud Farm Fest” (BEHEADED only) Sat 24.08 - Andernach (GER) “Deathfeast” (BEHEADED only) Sat 24.08 - Susice (CZE) “Metal Madness Fest” (HATE only) Wed 28.08 - Vienna (AUT) “Viper Room” Thu 29.08 - Graz (AUT) “Club Q” Fri 30.08 - Salzburg (AUT) “Rockhouse” Sat 31.08 - Leipzig (GER) “Torture The Masses Fest”
This September Extreme metal crusaders
HATE, well known for their venomous mixture of black and death metal
style and active since 1990 will break through Baltic Countries and
Scandinavia accompanied by their fellow countrymen the classic death
metallers VADERandTHY DISEASE!
HATEwill be presenting their new opus entitled 'Auric Gates of Veles'
which comes out on 14th June this year!
The shows will take place in Lithuana, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden,
Norway and Denmark. The tour will kick off on 5th September, right after
festival season.
Few more dates are to be added soon and another two support bands will be
announced shortly!
Spain's blackened death metallers NOCTEM have revealed details on their 5th album entitled "The
Black Consecration". The new album will be released on the 1st of November
2019 by Art Gates
The band comments: "The time to reveal this important announcement has
come. "The Black Consecration" is the elected title for our fifth and
upcoming new album that will be unchained on November 1st 2019 through Art
Gates Records worldwide. The artwork has been designed by Credo quia
Absurdum in its entirety. It consits in our most atmospherical and raw album
to date, not a logical evolution but a big change from our sound in our previous
album "Haeresis", darker, dirtier and faster. So be ready for a new
direction into the most abysmal darkness."
"The Black Consecration" Tracklist as follows: 1 - The Black Consecration 2 - Sulphur 3 - Uprising Of The Impenitents 4 - Coven 5 - All That Now Belongs To The Earth 6 - Let That Is Dead Sleep Forever 7 - Court Of The Dying Flesh 8 - Dichotomy Of Malignancy
"The Black Consecration" has been recorded at Millenia Estudios in
Valencia, Spain. Pre-order options will be available after summer.
The darkest chapter in our career has just begun.
THE SUMMER CEREMONIALS MMXIX: 18/07 - Gothoom open air fest / Slovakia 19/07 - Symbolic Fest Open Air / Czech Republic 20/07 - AKK - Karlsruhe / Germany 21/07 - Redrocks - Basel / Switzerland 22/07 - Innocent - Hengelo / The Netherlands 23/07 - Rocking Bull Concern - Antwerpen / Belgium 24/07 - Ragnarock Live Club - Bree / Belgium 25/07 - MCP Apache - Fontaine L'evéque / Belgium 26/07 - No Man's Land - Volmerange Les Mines / France 27/07 - Boarstream Open AiR / Germany
are: Beleth - Vocals Exo - Guitars Varu - Bass Voor - Drums
The Swedish melodic black metal force of nature WORMWOOD
have revealed today their second single "I BOTTENLÖS ÄVJA" from their new album entitled
"Nattarvet",that will be released by the Swedish label Black
Lodge Records on the 26th of July! The new single feature guest vocals from Mika of the band
The band comments
"The famine was not the only thing which reaped those poor souls. The
numerous treacherous bogs out in seemingly serene forests were a death trap for
people unbeknownst to their horror. Join us as we follow the fate of an old
woman as she is slowly devoured by the grasp of the bog."
Tracklist: 01 - Av Lie och Börda 02 - I Bottenlös Ävja 03 - Arctic Light 04 - The Achromatic Road 05 - Sunnas Hädanfärd 06 - Tvehunger 07 - The Isolationist
Compared to 'Ghostlands', our upcoming album
"Nattarvet" will be
darker. There will be stories about famine and how it ravished the Swedish
landscapes in the late 1800-hundreds. Some families fled to new more fertile
grounds, others were not so lucky. They had to bury their family members, eat
crumbles and watch how their childhood home wither and fade away into obscurity.
again as we embark on a journey together.
The Swedish melodic black metal force of nature WORMWOOD
have revealed today their first single/music video for the track "The
Isolationist" from their new album entitled
"Nattarvet",that will be released by the Swedish label Black
Lodge Records on the 26th of July!
The band comments
"The time is finally here to show you the music video for The
Isolationist. The grand epos from Nattarvet.
We're very proud and happy to show it to you now.
(...) explore the purest feeling of isolation, hopelessness and reverence to
your home-soil. "
The band comments on the new album: "The time is nigh, time to announce a new chapter for
After many cold and windy nights, blistering days, through endless blizzards and
reflections in the deep forest, the time is here.
Our new album
"Nattarvet" will be released in 26/7 under the strong and
powerful banner of Black
We both believe that
"Nattarvet" will become an album people remember for
decades and because of this mutual understanding, Black
Lodge is more than perfect for us." Check out the new song "Arctic Light" recorded live: