[Artwork for the album is made by Rafal Wechterowicz TOO MANY SKULLS]
NEXORUM - "DEATH UNCHAINED" - 2020 | Tracklist:
1. Saligia Moralis Codice
2. Procession of the Damned
3. Great Horned King
4. Retribution
5. Death Unchained
6. Antediluvian Purification
7. Cataclysmic Rebirth
8. Diaboli Stragis
9. The Luciferian Descent
10. Murderer
[Release Date: 2020-03-06]
There will be a €2 discount on digital pre-orders from Bandcamp! (Full price = €5)
Terje Olsen - Vocals
Roger Isaksen - Guitar
Frank Løberg - Guitar
Robin Isaksen - Bass
Vidar Lehmann - Drums
“Death Unchained” was Recorded at Xhaos Xhult Studio, Engineered and mixed by Roger Isaksen and Mastered by Lawrence Mackrory at Obey Mastering

NEXORUM - Death Unchained - 2020 - Non Serviam Records
Genre: Blackened Death Metal
"(...) Follow the stench of death you’ll find me
Come along and you will see
Damnation, follows where I tread, everything around me is dead
This gift this curse, to never ride the reapers hearse (...) NEXORUM | Death Unchained | Procession of the Damned
A new monolithic extreme metal Beast arises from the cold Northlands of Norway! We are talking about the new and impressive 5 piece extreme metal band by the name of NEXORUM, a band forged in Trondheim by members of bands such as Keep of Kalessin, Chton, Khonsu, Vecordious among others.
NEXORUM debut album "Death Unchained" couldn't simply be a better introduction to the band astonishing blackened death metal art! A true delight to any adept of this genre and a perfect combination of old-fashioned and modern extreme metal sound, the band conserves the best qualities of each (old and new) and blends it all into an explosive death black metal colossal Beast of epic proportions. I dare to say that NEXORUM are one of the best death black metal bands ever to come from Norwegian lands, having a very own voracious death metal sound combined with an inborn Norwegian black metal essence, creating in this way an authentic delicacy to extreme metallers who worship the sound of newer bands such as Myrkskog, Zyklon, Blood Red Throne also from Norway or classic extreme metal bands like Incantation, Morbid Angel, Behemoth, Mayhem, etc !
"Death Unchained" is one of those albums that causes a direct massive impact since the very first listening, it's impossible to be indifferent to such colossal and powerful extreme metal piece of art. I even dare to say that with this diabolical sonic monster unleashed, Norwegian death metal is back in the map and shall take the Metal World by storm! Vicious, direct and so addicting... it's hard not to be hooked to "Death Unchained" since the very first listening!
As the band expressed "NEXORUM largely consists of the severed limbs of various rotting corpses from Trondheim's metal graveyard", so let's know the band a bit better!
Terje Olsen (vocals) is the heart and soul of the band, owner of a great vocal reach on extreme metal art, he brings the right dose of brutality that the band needs and owns some outstanding gutturals and vociferations that tend into the death metal more than to the usual black metal vocals, which I personally think to be a better fit to NEXORUM sound. He is known for his work with the bands Chton (death metal) and Khonsu (black/industrial/progressive metal), know also to have a great presence on stage with his commanding presence that shall make you tremble and eager for more after each show of the band!
Roger Isaksen (guitars) is the band main composer and the one responsible for bringing NEXORUM beast into life! A surgically precise guitarist he is known as the mastermind of the band Vecordious (avant-garde black metal) and has become recently the live guitarist of the well known Keep of Kalessin (epic extreme metal).
Robin Isaksen (bass), also known as Wizziac, is a well known bass player on Norwegian extreme metal scene, known for his work with Keep of Kalessin, he is in fact a master of his craft, great bass playing and great live presence as the most might know already by now!
Vidar Lehmann (drums) is back into extreme metal after some live experiences as Triosphere (metal) and Tellus Requiem (progressive melodic metal) drummer, a precise and brutally fast drummer capable of ruthless drumming raids upon it's listeners!
Frank Løberg (guitars) is a great guitarist responsible for the bands scorching leads and thundering rhythm guitars.
"Death Unchained" sound is one of the many album highlights, the elite level and definition of each element included on this debut is beyond amazing. The recordings over Xhaos Xhult Studio and production done by the band guitarist and main composer Roger Isaksen as well as the Mastering by Lawrence Mackrory give this album the right dose of everything for this album to become an absolute success of it's genre! Something I personally like allot on this album is to be able to listen to the bass loud and clear, Robin/Wizziac work here is a real ass-kicker, a fine example of that is the opening track "Saligia Moralis Codice".
The main NEXORUM lyrical themes deal with mind liberation, Saligia, Occultism, Apocalypse, Lucifer/Luciferianism, Satanism... all that makes a classic extreme metal-head entertained and pleased as usual! "Death Unchained" lyrics are also quite direct and accessible.
The artwork done by Rafal Wechterowicz of TOO MANY SKULLS really fits on the bands main lyrical themes as well as the album title. Simple, direct and causing a visual impact in anyone searching for a good extreme metal album to listen to!
It's on the simple things that very often we find the most valuable treasures. This album cover aims to catch ones eyes attention and make you wonder what you may discover as you start digging deeper into this masterpiece of blackened death metal!
NEXORUM unleash the fury of ravenous death metal, combining both classic and modern elements and wisely adding a very own Norwegian black metal identity to create a product of unique quality, forging with it an impressive first album that could easily be one of the best albums of it's genre for 2020. "Death Unchained" will definitely leave a mark on it's listeners! So now let me tell you more about each track:
With "Saligia Moralis Codice" the band introduces the listeners to NEXORUM monumental sound, that in this case is damn well balanced and dynamic. This is a slower track but heavy as Hell, where slower parts combine in perfection with the hardness of the band groove-laden blackened death sound. Must mention the outstanding omnipresent bass work which gives a even heavier groove to the whole song, also worth of mention is the great guitar work, the awesome leads and as well some appropriate declamation!
Lyrically this song embraces the thematic of the 7 deadly sins. Here the unchained fallen angels are finally set free and able to taste a whole new word of once forbidden and addicting capital sins!
I must confess I was already hooked to the band sound since I checked the advance single/video for this song, and still, the best was yet to come, as my good friend told me once he introduced me to his band!
"Procession of the Damned" follows, and with it "all Hell breaks loose"! An absolute ass kicking fast and brutal track with some great melodic lines. An absolute sonic devastation and a great contrast with the first song, keeping with it the balance that remains through the whole intense album. Lyrically it deals with the enclosure of the pestilent damned.... cursed to live in a cold dark cell that will be their rotting eternal Hell!
"Great Horned King" is the track that follows, a devastating apocalyptic track and one of my own favourite songs of the whole album! Revealing with it, the most brutal side of NEXORUM, this is an absolutely demolishing fast and devilish track!
This song is also an homage to some bands that influenced NEXORUM.
"Retribution" comes next, and with it we return to a slower deadlier groove, yet heavy and fierce. This is a frenetic track with a constant ravaging guitar sound that will pierce your ears and rape your soul! A true devilish delight to ones ears!
The powerful title track "Death Unchained" comes next! This is an Epic imposing track, both brutal and intense, all of this with great guitar leads and an impressive dark structure. A legendary death black metal piece of art and one of my own favourite tracks of this demonical piece!
"Antediluvian Purification" unleashes scorching sonic brutality once again but never losing the right dose of balance and melodic deviance! A delight to the tormented ears!
"Cataclysmic Rebirth" reveals the darkest side of NEXORUM malevolent creations. This song takes it's listener deep into a Pestapocalyptical World, reborn from destruction and emerged into chaos! A new world with a putrid atmosphere and drenched in decadence!
"Diaboli Stragis" comes next! Another classic death metal track with a great groove that shall get stuck into your ears. This is a direct "in-your-face" powerful track, a true natural "headbanging" track with some devilish guitar leads! Addictive since first listening, this is another of my favourite tracks!
Once you think it can't get much better than what you have heard already, the band comes with the epic colossus entitled "The Luciferian Descent", in my opinion the best track of the whole piece. Intriguing , dark, intense and brutal... it has all the best elements and diversity to keep both death metal and black metal addicts captive to this mesmerizing unholy creation! The nefarious introduction and the whole diabolical keyboard arrangements, the Luciferian haunting choirs.... Am I the only one who's feeling that ass-kicking old Samael'ish vibe!?!... Well, the whole addictive nature of NEXORUM musical diversity are just details that enhance this album into an elite level of death black metal!
"Murderer" is most probably my 2nd favourite track of "Death Unchained", ending with a golden key this astonishing album! I simply love the whole psychotic vibe of this song. The wise use of keyboard really enhance the whole devious atmosphere created by the band on this track. Again the guitars take a huge part of this song structure, great leads and powerful riffage!
NEXORUM debut album "Death Unchained" is a both devastating and intense masterpiece of blackened death metal that shall leave none of it's listeners indifferent to what they just heard! A mind-blowing combination of death metal unchained from any unnecessary boundaries, where the old fashioned elements combine with modern elements in perfect symbiosis, if that wasn't enough and to give their sound an even better dynamics and diversity the band added a very own Norwegian black metal essence that wraps up what was already an impressive achievement. "Death Unchained" is an enriching brutal experience, hard to believe it is NEXORUM debut album.
The more you listen to the whole piece the more details you will find and the more addicted you get to this greatly detailed work, an album full of musical diversification and without any dull moments!
NEXORUM is a name to keep in mind as the band rises in the extreme metal universe. Allot is to be expected from this brutal new band in the future times as they shall gather new adepts on each listening and live shows! One of the best Norwegian extreme metal products of quality of the last years without any doubts!
RüPä - NeKronos Promotion HELL
RATE: 9,5/10

NEXORUM : Videoclip : ‘Saligia Moralis Codice’:
NEXORUM : Videoclip : ‘Great Horned King’:

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